Corn snake


Corn snake (Pantherophis guttatus)

Pretty and harmless

There are two possible explanations regarding the origin of its most commonly used English name corn snake. 1. The main habitat of the Corn snake are grainfields and granaries. There they prey on abundant rodents. 2. Another explanation is provided by the colourful Indian Corn. Its bulbous nose resembles the pattern of the corn snake‘s belly. 


Kategorie: weitere

Gewicht: 200-800g

Größe: body length from 120 to 150cm

Brutdauer: depending on the temperature, about 60-80 days

Lebensalter: up to 30 years

Geschlechtsreife: from 20cm body lengths

Reproduktion: 8-30 eggs

Nahrung: amphibians, reptiles, small vertebrates

Lebensweise: nocturnal and at crepuscular

Gefährdung: not endangered

Verbreitung (ursprünglich): Eastern and South-Eastern USA to Central Mexico
