Snapping turtle


Snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina)

Defensive loners

The snapping turtle knows how to defend itself. With one bite it can crack bones, its claws are used to defends itself as well as with a stinking secretion. Being a lurking hunter sit waits for its prey while being buried in the mud to then snap it blazingly fast.


Kategorie: weitere

Gewicht: up to 16 kg

Größe: shell length up to 45 cm

Brutdauer: depending on the temperature 9 - 18 weeks

Lebensalter: 40 up to 100 years

Geschlechtsreife: from 20cm height

Reproduktion: 10- 30 eggs

Nahrung: fish, amphibians, reptiles, small mammals, carrion

Lebensweise: water with dense vegetation and a muddy ground

Gefährdung: not endangered

Verbreitung (ursprünglich): North America