Application Form Maintenance Sponsorships

With a maintenance sponsorship you support us in ongoing operations. The maintenance sponsorships are exemplary. We assure you that your sponsorship donations will be used 100% for the benefit of our animals.

You will receive a certificate of sponsorship by email.

The sponsorship is concluded when the payment is received in the zoo donation account at Sparkasse Oberlausitz-Niederschlesien IBAN: DE07 8505 0100 0000 0122 03 (BIC: WELADED1GRL)

Please state donation + your name + maintenance sponsorship as intended.

With the designation “donation”, the transfer receipt also serves as proof for the tax office.

The duration of a sponsorship amounts to the specified duration and ends automatically after its expiration.

Fill out your sponsorship application online!

Selected maintenance sponsorship: *
Duration of sponsorship:
Value of sponsorship:
Surname: *
First Name: *
Street, Nr.:
Postal code:
Phone: *
E-Mail: *
Name on certificate: *

* Mandatory field