Every donation helps

Endangered tibetan blue bear for Görlitz 

Through the future tibetan blue bear enclosure in Görlitz, we are carrying out educational work and are committed to on-site protection measures for the endangered Tibetan bears in their natural range.
Our future ambassador bears “Mischa” and “Franz” represent this.

Help us to build a new home for Mischa and Franz.

Here you can donate online or become a part of our project for 200€ 

Of course is a donation through a transfer also possible. 

Bank details: 

IBAN: DE07 8505 0100 0000 0122 03


Sparkasse Oberlausitz-Niederschlesien 

Title: Donation Tibetan blue bear

For a donation receipt, we need a full address of the donator.


Do you need advice or help with your donation?

Write us at spenden@tierpark-goerlitz.de and we will reach out to you.