Thanks to the modernization

of the electricity networks electrical substations are no longer required.

Cables run underground and only small boxes are available as distributors. As a result many electrical substations are being demolished.

Wildlife hotel

Many electrical substations are located offside from villages and are therefore in an ideal location to serve as a wildlife hotel.

In our modern world it is difficult for many wild animals to find suitable places to shelter and to raise ofdspring. A converted electrical substation offers many options for guests from the wild. There is a stork nest on the roof. Falcons, owls and bats find refuge in the roof truss.

Nesting boxes

Various nesting boxes on the outside of the building provide a home for various bird species and bats.

Nesting aids for wild bees and other insects can also be found here.

The space under the roof ledge is often used by swallows.

Lower floor

Even at ground level there are interested parties for a protected living space.

With a few modifications around the electrical substation grass snakes, hedgehogs, toads and slow worms find a place to stay in during the winter.

The gained habitat  in and around the electrical subsation is being maintained and preserved by Görlitz zoo.

Pictures: Igel - Alexas_Fotos, Schwalben - Eismannhans

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