application form exclusive sponsorship

By sponsoring an exclusive animal you support Görlitz Nature Conservation Zoo by improving the conditions for keeping the animals in our park!

In addition to a certificate and a profile of the animal species you will also receive an invitation to the adoption day which takes place once a year.

If not stated otherwise in the form the sponsorship begins  after the payment has been received on the zoo donation account 12 203 at Sparkasse Oberlausitz-Niederschlesien IBAN: DE07 8505 0100 0000 0122 03 (BIC: WELADED1GRL)

Please indicate the purpose of your donation + your name + the animal species.

With the designation "donation" the transfer receipt also serves as proof for the tax office.

A sponsorship lasts for one year and ends automatically after it expires. Before the sponsorship's expiry you will receive a reminder letter from Nature Conservation Zoo with all the information necessary to extend the sponsorship.

Fill out the sponsorship application online right away!

Select exclusive animal: *
Beginning of sponsorship:
Surname: *
First name:*: *
Street, nr.:*: *
Postcode:*: *
Place: *
Phone number:*: *
E-Mail: *
Entry on the adoption board: *
Text on the adoption board:
(wenn Eintrag gewünscht)
Tax-effective donation receipt: *
Is the sponsorship a gift?: *
(Gift recipient)
First name::
(Gift recipient)
Street, nr.::
( Gift recipient)
(Gift recipient)
(Gift recipient)
(Gift recipient)

* Mandatory field