

Corsac (Vulpes corsac)

Thanks to the dense coat the corsac or steppe fox is very well adapted to the cold and the extreme weatherof the Central Asian steppes and deserts. He can survive without food and water for a long time. Coracs live in pairs. They do not have a permanent abode. Instead they move around and use marmot burrows or other caves. During the rearing of the young the male moves out but still helps to take care of the family.

Category: Mammal

Weight: 2-3 kg

Size: shoulder height: approx. 30 cm; head-hull length: 45-60 cm; tail length: 20-30 cm

Age: up to 13 years

Sexually mature: 8 months to 3 years

gestation period: 52-60 days, 2-11 puppies (weight at birth: 50-80g)

food: small mammals, insects, birds, plants

habitat: dry, open landscapes, steppes and semi-deserts

Breeding program: There is no European Conservation Breeding Programme or breeding book of this species.

distribution: Europe: Russia, occasionally Ukraine and Azerbaijan, Eastern European plain from the northern edge of Caucasus to Tatarstan. Central and East Asia: Afghanistan, China, India, Iran, Kazakhstan, Mogolia, Pakistan, Russia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan

distribution area