No space for your own pet? 

Then adopt one!

By adopting an animal you can support the nature conservation zoo ideally and financially. In addition the apartment remains clean and you do not have to buy fodder...

A sponsorship is valid for one year. We use the donations we receive for sponsorships exclusively for improvements in our animal husbandry. 

Exclusive Sponsorship

...sponsor an individual animal at the zoo

  • you get a certificate digitally or by mail,
  • a profile to download about your animal,
  • and on request during your visits to Görlitz zoo, information from zookepers about the life of your protégé.
  • You will be informed about changes in and on the enclosure as well as changes with your sponsored animal.

further information

Take on an exlusive animal sponsorship

Animal Sponsorship

...sponsor a species at the zoo

  • you get a certificate digitally or by mail,
  • and a profile to download about your species


further information

Take on an animal sponsorship

Nature Conservation Sponsorship

One for all and all for one...

With "one nature conservation sponsorship for all" you can support us in the fight for diversity of species and preservation of our    planet´s beauty!

Together with you, Zoo Görlitz would like to contribute to the protection of endangered species through specific projects. We ensure that sponsorship contributions will be used completely for the project you have chosen.

further information

take on a nature conservation sponsorship

Alternative Sponsorship

How much does it cost to run a zoo?

...much more than meets the eye. Did you know how important UV lamps are for our indoor animals? Or how expensive it is to operate our food refrigeration cells? In order to offer a deeper look behind the scenes of a zoological institution, we have developed the alternative sponsorships!

Further information

take on an alternative sponsorship

Food Sponsorship

Very Hungry Caterpillar at the Zoo?

... fortunately the zoo residents are not that "greedy". Nevertheless, special feed, minerals and vitamin supplements can be really expensive. In order to offer a deeper look behind the scenes of a zoological institution, we have developed the food sponsorships!

further information

take on a food sponsorship

When sponsoring an animal species

  • you will receive a certificate and a profile of your animal species
  • we invite you to our sponsorship day in the zoo

When taking over an exclusive sponsorship

  • you will receive a certificate and a profile about your adopted animal
  • we invite you to our sponsorship day in the zoo
  • upon request you can get information about your adopted animal from the animal keepers when you visit the Görlitz Nature Conservation Zoo. We will inform you directly about any changes of your adopted animal.

All sponsorships can be given away multiple times!

Just decide which animal you would like to "adopt" and contact the Görlitz Nature Conservation Zoo by phone (03581-66 93 000) or e-mail ( We will send you the "adoption papers"

The sponsorship begins after receipt of the payment on the zoo donation account IBAN: DE07 8505 0100 0000 0122 03 (BIC: WELADED1GRL) at the Sparkasse Oberlausitz-Niederlesien.


The costs for animal sponsorship can be found in the following tables.

List animal sponsorships